Thursday, February 26, 2015

Workout program

Helpful hints for you!!

The easiest athlete to pick would be a marathoner.  The athlete will be elite and strong.
The workout is not for you, but you are training someone.  So make sure it is not easy.

The first thing you need to do is a grid sheet.  Like the example with the worksheet you got.
If you do not have it look in this weeks blog.  You can copy it or see me and I have copies.

Do the the five fitness components down the left side.
The days along the top. See below.





Body comp

(*For 8th grade)






Then look at last years 5 fitness components to start filling out the form.
You want the workout to progress.  You need to use frequency, intensity and time.
If you don't have last years form, it is all online, or you can use a packet from someone in my class.
Or you can use last years workout to start,  As 8th graders you are adding/expanding on the food part.
I have seen the packet in everyones file, unless your file was lost.
Feel free to talk to people in my class or McMaster for help also.  Both of our classes are doing the program.

Start with running on the cardio section.  Remember cardio is 30 mins or more.
In ME maybe squats, lunges, biking or planks.  Make sure you tell the athlete how often, how long  and how hard.  (Frequency, Intensity and Time)
For MS do HARD exercises, pushups, pull-ups and heavy weights. 
For flexibility stretch the muscles you used.  And again - F I T   This is done daily
For body comp you are listing the foods they should eat!

There are no complete rest days, but you do not have to workout every component every day.
Except maybe flexibility, you can do yoga on easy days.

Feel free to let me see how you are doing so I can help you out.  I get to school around 715, earlier if you need me to.  But not too early!
I will put info as needed!  Talk to me if you need more help!

Have fun!

Here is a site with all the components.

Here is more info.

FITNESS  (From Hillsborough Middle school)
   To prepare; make ready.  A combination of physical and mental attributes that allow you to:
   Meet the demands of everyday life and perform tasks that require ABOVE NORMAL EFFORT.
   Being physically and mentally Fit, decreases the chance of injury or bodily harm.  Most importantly it can
   improve your quality of life.
   There are 5 parts of  fitness:
   1)Cardiovascular Endurance,  2)Muscular Strength, 3)Muscular Endurance, 4)Flexibility and 5)Body Composition.
    The most important part of fitness!!!  Having conditioned HEART  and LUNGS that can supply
    the body with oxygen without stress to the heart.  We develop it by doing Aerobic Exercise.  Aerobic
    Exercise is continuous exercise lasting 2 or more minutes.  In order to improve cardiovascular endurance,
    aerobic exercise should be performed at least 3 times per week, 15-20 minutes each day.   Examples of
    aerobic exercise-swimming, running, biking, shoveling snow and raking leaves.
     The amount of force produced by a muscle.  Needed for activities that require above normal effort.  Having
     poor muscular strength will increase the chance of getting hurt when doing activities that require above normal
     effort.  To increase your muscular strength, you would perform exercises using heavy weight and do the exercise
     3-6 times.  The muscles get stronger when they keep working past the point of fatigue (when the muscle
     has very little or no energy left).  This forces the body to adapt (muscles get used to doing something,
     what was hard is now easy for the muscle).  Remember it takes time to allow your body to adapt!!
    The amount of force produced by a muscle over a period of time.  This is also if the muscles are doing
     something over and over and over.  Muscular endurance is also closely related to cardiovascular endurance.  Why? 
     Because in order to perform aerobic exercise long enough (at least 15 minutes) to benefit the heart and lungs,
     you need muscular endurance to be able to exercise continuously for this long.  We improve muscular endurance
     by using light weight and do the exercise at least 15 times. 
   The looseness or elasticity of a muscle, which allows the joint to move through a full range of motion. 
    This is the most neglected part of fitness.  Flexibility is affected by:  1.Gender, 2.Age, 3. Size and condition of muscle
    (tone v. bound) & 4.Level of activity. Muscles should always be warmed (by cardio) before they are stretched. 
    Poor flexibility increases risk of injury.
   The percentage of body fat compared to lean body tissue.  Lean body tissue is: muscle, bone, water & organs. 
    Can be a health problem if body fat percentage is not in the 5-30% range.  Scale weight means nothing unless
    you know your percent body fat, dont be mislead by height/weight charts-they are inaccurate.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Week of Feb 23

Hope every one had a great week off!
Now we are ready to go back, or we will be very soon.

My classes start in the gym!
We are beginning our new sport - Team Handball!
We will start with basic throws Monday.

In the classroom we are in our last unit.
6th grade is working on fast food, labels and advertising.
7th is working on body composition and workout program.
8th grade is working on the workout program.

For both 7 and 8 grade I need to see at least the first week by the end of this week,
I need to see them to make sure you are on the right track before you do anymore weeks!
I would love a hard copy, if you are working off your drive and cannot print it
at home, print it at the library.
I want a hard copy because unfortunately some people are copying others.
Everything is due March 9th, if not sooner.

Below is a copy of the cover page,  I will also have some in the classroom.

Have a fun and fit week!

Name ___________________________ Date _____ Class _____

 Four week workout program    
Type of athlete __________

Must be in grid form- 7 days with the components in a column





Body comp

*For 8th grade

B, L, D *
And snacks

Must include all components of a workout
Must include frequency, intensity and time
There are no complete rest days
Workout must progress

7th  grade 150 points    _______      8th grade  200 points    _______

Introduction to workout
