Sunday, February 28, 2021

Week of March 1-5th

 Welcome back!  Hope everyone had a great weekend!

This week the Unit is F.I.T.T. #3.  We will review what we have learned and show how to use it!
Your WOD is still balance drills-don't forget to answer the questions asked!
The Mindfulness Wednesday is The Resilient Garden. 
Draw the picture using the instructions, then show it to me!

There will be a bone quiz this week for 7/8th graders. 
We have been learning them since the beginning of the trimester.
It will be when you are on-campus.  It will be on paper.  
For the C group, it will be when you first see me-either Monday or Tuesday.
Look at the notes in Google Classroom.  Make sure you study!

The end of the trimester is  March 12th. 
Make sure all your late work is done by March 11th.
Email me when you turn in late work!
Double check Aeries!  

Have a fun and fit week!