Saturday, December 13, 2014

week of Dec 15th

It is a quick week in Fitness class.
Monday all my classes have gym.
I have Classroom for all classes on Tuesday only!
Wednesday is FR for 6/7th grade and Gym for 8th grade.

On Thursday we all have Olympics, so no Fitness class.
On Friday is an M & M day-so fun times!

Our gym sport is still volleyball and I will be looking at everyones serves.
Forearm passes look good,  for 8th grade I will look at sets also!

A few of you still have to finish last weeks assignments.
I am missing some homework papers and a few quizzes.
Look online to see if it is you and see me ASAP!
Do not get behind on your work, it is hard to get caught up at
the end of the trimester.

We will be starting our new units in health.

Except for 6th grade, both classes need to redo question number 4 on their quiz.
You need to know the functions of water in the body.

7th grade will begin the 5 fitness components.

8th grade will learn about eating disorders.
Please bring your chromebooks to class Tuesday.
You will have an assignment about cause and effect.

have a fun and fit day!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

For 6th graders water quiz.

Here are you helpful hints!

The quiz is on water.  It is on how water is good for you
and everything on the first page of your handout.  The fluid pyramid.
If you studied your water worksheet, you should be fine!
Know the functions of water for the body!
Like temperature regulation.

It is a short answer quiz, only 4 questions.
You must write in complete sentences and tell me what you know!

Remember, you must have your handout complete to take the quiz!
So don't forget to bring it!

Study and get a good nights rest!

See you in the morning.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tuesday for 8th graders

I almost forgot to give you a few helpful hints for your quiz Wednesday.
So I will be generous.

There are many reasons we need fat.
One is dietary.  We need it for taste, essential nutrients and calories.
Another reason is for the body.  We need it as a long term source of energy, cushioning for our organs, and insulation.  Remember this from the past few years???

The 3 forms of energy balance are the calorie input versus calorie output.
If you consume more calories then you burn you will gain weight.
If you consume less then you burn you will lose, and if your
calorie input is the same as output you will remain the same.
When you answer this question, be clear about what happens if the
calorie input vs. output is not equal.
There are 2 parts to this question, answer both!

The last tidbit I will remind you about is why people are overfat.
There are many reasons, including medical & genetic. Lets avoid those for now, too
much unknown.
But the main reason people are is due to too many calories in and too little energy(calories) used.
There is also sedentary lifestyle and ease of access to unhealthy fast food.

So I hope you studied and these last few notes help you do well on the test!

See you tomorrow in class!

Remember to bring your study guide with you. They are due!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

week of Dec 8th

It will be a busy week!

All three grades have a quiz this week.
Here are a FEW reminders.  Look back later for more.

6th grade has a water quiz: how many cups to drink & how water benefits your body

7th has a bone quiz: know the 3 spine sections, with number, and bones from the list.

8th grade has one on body composition: know body shapes, types, morphs and how dietary fat helps the body

I have classroom with 6 graders, 4th period 7th graders and 8th graders on Monday, so I will give you the weeks schedule then.  5th period 7th graders, on Tuesday you will get same info!
So that means quizzes must be after Monday and Tuesday! On the first classroom day take home all your notes so you can review.  We will review in class also.  On the day before your quiz I will update this blog with a few helpful hints, so check it out!  

In the gym we are still playing volleyball.  We will work on serves and court position.

have a great week and STUDY for your quizzes, do not wait until the last minute!

Stay happy and healthy!