Monday, January 23, 2017

After snow days..

Welcome back again!

We will continue rotation from last blog, to begin on Tuesday.

6th graders- We will talk a bit about fats and proteins before we begin class in the FR.  Bring a binder or chromebook for notes.

7th graders - We will dress out then go to CR to get handouts so you can study for test.
Afterwards we will play volleyball.
Meet me in gym. Your food logs are due.  Turn them in on paper or send them to me on drive.

8th graders- 6th period has CR so we will take test.
7th period  has FR but will take test instead,  so DO NOT dress out and meet me in gym and
I will let you know where we will go.
Remember body compositions, 3 forms of energy balance, your BMR and know about calories.
Several of you still have not finished your food logs.  Please do so ASAP!  Many of you need to be more specific on your logs.  Type of pizza, taco, noodles or milk with your cereal? If you did not
eat a meal, what would you have eaten?
We are doing this for calorie usage so you need to be a bit more specific and complete.

Stay healthy and happy!


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Week of January 23

The sun will show up this week!  Forecast is for sun the end of the week and through next weekend!

As it is snowing right now, seems so far away!  We are planning as scheduled for next week.

8th grade has their test on the first available day, like we talked about in class.  You must turn in your study guide!  I need to know your BMR.

6th grade to finish unit and start review on the 3 main nutrients that give you calories.

7th grade to start review on cardio and muscle endurance for test.

6th grade- CR>FR>GYM>CR>FR

5th period- CR>GYM>CR>GYM>CR

6th period- GYM>CR>GYM>CR>GYM

7th period-CR>FR>GYM>CR>FR

We are still in volleyball, will change very soon!

If things change on Monday, check back here for new information!

Have a sane, safe and sound day!