Sunday, December 6, 2015

Week of December 7

Two more weeks until winter break!
One more week until our ACMS Olympics!

This week our sport is still volleyball.

My rotation is gym-CR-cafe-gym-CR for 1st, 2nd, and 4th periods
For 5th period it is gym-CR-gym-gym-CR
For 6th period it is gym-CR-gym-CR-gym

On Wednesday we do have  mini day, so change quick.

Don't forget to look at your assignment in google CR.
You can do it early or/and finish it in our first CR day.  I will give you 5 minutes.

In health we are working on:
6th- fluids, cold and flu
7th- bones
8th- body composition

Don't forget your chromebook, planner and things you need for class on Tuesday.
Come prepared to learn.   If you need to charge your chromebook, bring your charger.

For Leadership class we will have advisory, then Tuesday plan out Olympics.
We will also organize hospital visit.  Your work is due next week so get it done!

Have a fun and fit week!


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  3. i like the blog, it has useful information.
